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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Women I Admire: Raven Symone

I have always loved Raven Symone. More compelling than her on-screen persona as adorable little Oliva on The Cosby Show and off kilter psychic on That's So Raven is her off-screen confidence and charisma. (Who didn't love her unashamed wig-shift in Good Hair?) While many child actors struggled through their childhoods, making a mess of their adult lives, Raven has always seemed to keep it together whether present or absent from the public eye. At 25 she is a multi-millionaire mogul transcending her TV roles into major endorsements in children merchandise and most importantly she is a role model. Well, let's face it. Most celebs are, but hers is an example we can actually follow.

Raven has made it a priority in her career to be a role model for young people, particularly women. She is one of the few African-American Disney stars and also one of the very few to make a respectable transition into more mature entertainment. I think its safe to say we're not expecting a sex tape anytime soon.

In addition, Raven has also held her own as a plus-size actress. Most recently, she shed some weight, but Raven isn't fooled by all the sudden attention she's getting. She says:
"Actually, now I wear bigger clothes because I don’t like the way people stare at me. I liked it before. Now, you’re just looking at me for the wrong reasons. Before, you were actually looking at me for a real reason.”
This is precisely why I love her. She is unabashedly sincere about who she is and unfazed by what others expect her to be.

Hats off Ms. Symone!


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