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Thursday, January 20, 2011

All About Choices

I can rattle off a few cliches about choices.
"We are the sum of our choices."
"Choose wisely."
"The choices you make today, decide tomorrow."
Blah, blah, blah....blah blah!
Today I've come to the realization that I have a problem with choosing. The funny thing is that I only have a problem making insignificant decisions.

The big stuff is rather easy.
I mean I decided what car I would get in a matter of minutes.
I chose the college I would attend without reservation.
And I moved into an apartment I'd only seen pictures of online with no issue.
Yet, I will spend an hour trying to decide between the gray shoe or the brown.
If you've visited my blog for any length of time, you've probably noticed that the design keeps changing.
No, its not because I have nothing better to do than play on my blog because it actually is getting in the way of other stuff (SMH), but its because I can't decide on a design!
This blog is supposed to represent me. But let's face it. There's no way this limited profile can really, honestly, and truly represent me. Although, my changing it everyday does say something.
I should just get over it right?
Maybe so, but then I'll be on to the next indecisive task like picking a nail polish color. (Don't get me started on that!)
I'd like to blame my indecisiveness on me being a perfectionist, but I'm not sure that's the reason.
Anyway, they say the first step is admitting you have a problem.
So here's my confession...I'm indecisive, but only about little things.
I've gotta overcome this though, because it seriously is a time-waster.
Alright, that's it.
From this day forward, I will do better about making decisions in a timely manner.
That felt good.
I'm deciding to end this post now.
Good day...


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